Awaken The Awesome Podcast Review is just that...AWESOME!

Olivier is one of those special human beings who has found his purpose in life and is NOT afraid to share it with the world-- and for that we are truly thankful.  His energy is infectious and so is his blog, AWAKEN THE AWESOME!  And, we are not just saying that because he wrote a phenomenal review about our podcast, TWO BLACK GUYS WITH GOOD CREDIT.  :)  He gets it.  We want to make financial literacy approachable.  We want to take the stigma out of discussing personal finance so everyone can win.  But you don't have to believe me, just read it for yourself and then tune in!


"This is, in my opinion, why the TWO BLACK GUYS WITH GOOD CREDIT podcast and the CLEAN financial literacy program serve as such a powerful and exemplary statement in their mission to not only educate but empower our youth through their workshops and the rest of us through their engaging episodes.
I was so moved by what this colorful group of amazing individuals was doing that I made it my daily duty to listen to the entire first season of the podcast on my morning commute.
What a treat!
With a no-nonsense, empathetic, often humorous, edgy and always knowledgeable exchange of facts, anecdotes and solid advice, hosts Shaun & Arlington, along with the rest of the awesome podcast crew, have put together what I believe to be a really fun and approachable program. 
I'm a podcast fiend. And one thing i always look for in my programs is authenticity. Whether you're talking about stamps or dog shows, show me you're authentic and that you believe in your content."

Thank you, Olivier #Stay Awesome