
Episode 19: Credit Repair --Fact or Fake News?

You can't get approved for that loan, mortgage, apartment or that car you want. Your credit is a mess! Then you hear that commercial --fix your credit fast and easy, raise your score by 50 points in 30 days or less!! Fact or Fiction, Rip-off or Real Deal? Pod'up as TBGWGC separates the truth from the trash talk...Credit Repair --Fact or Fake News? is on deck, let's go!

Check out this article for 5 things you pay attention to before you sign up with a credit repair company.

Episode 18: Jay-Z 4:44 Decoded

Jay-z drops the 4:44 album and was popping off about credit, real estate investing, generational wealth etc... So we at T.B.G.W.G.C decided why not kick off Season 3 by Decoding (breaking down) the Jigga Man. Pod'up and listen in because while Shaun and Arlington love this album - they don't always see eye to eye on what Jay-z has to say... Round-table - Jay-z 4:44 Decoded, Let's go!

Episode 17: The Big B - Bankruptcy

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Bankruptcy.. The first thing that comes to mind is someone standing in the street naked while all of their stuff is being taken away.. Not so fast... Slow down. T.B.G.W.G.C has decided it's time to breakdown Bankruptcy and bring it out of the shadows and into the financial light. To help us out we have enlisted California Attorney F. Stephen Jones, a bankruptcy specialist. Lights on. No fear. Pod'up! Let's go...

Episode 16: I've Got a Great Idea

You've got a great idea and now your ready to boss up and get your entrepreneurial game on. Well slow down and pod'up because this week on two black guys with good credit we are talking about the ever enticing world of entrepreneurship. Every minute of every day someone in America is starting a new business!! The competition is stiff, but T.B.G.W.G.C has a few things to run by you before you cash-out and put it all on the line. "I've got a great idea", say no morel! Let's go!!

Episode 15: Gifts that Keep on Giving

What's up Podcast family?? 'Tis the season!! This week Team Two Black Guys with Good Credit is putting you up on game, our game plan for a winning Holiday Season of "Gifts that Keep on Giving". You know our motto is "your money is your money", so we are opening up our playbook and giving you an our overall strategy that will ensure you a win in the holiday shopping box. Great teams need a great coach (someone to keep you in check), a strong roster (selective gift list), a salary cap (budget) a few trick plays (shopping who-knew tips) and the ability to think outside the box ("Gifts that keep on Giving"). Plug in, pod'up and let's go. Game day is just around the corner. Ho... Ho... Ho!!!


Episode 14: OWN RENT LEASE

Own Rent Lease... Say it with me - "Own Rent Lease!!!" The biggest items in your life will eventually put you at the crossroads of own, rent, or lease? Cars and homes are typically our two biggest purchases, unless your buying or leasing a jet that is. "I own my car, I don't lease..." really - why??? "Paying rent is a waste of money..." Oh yeah - why?? Things are not always what they seem, so we decided to tackle this age old conundrum. Strap Up and Pod'up - Own Rent Lease this week on Two Black Guys with Good Credit.

Episode 13: Clintonomics

Get out and Vote!!! Vote for who??? Round table #2 -  TBGWGC is talking about H.R.C - Hillary Rodham Clinton. We discussed him, so we had to bring our thoughts on Hillary to keep it all the way PC. Sit in and turn the volume all the way up because this could be our first Female President People. 'I'm with her', but are You???!!! ...Let's go.... Vote!!!



Episode 12: The Cost of Eating Healthy

In the 80's we asked "where's the beef?". In the 2000's we know where the beef is, but now we ask is it grass-fed, farm raised, hormone free, organic, natural or processed and the even bigger question - what does is cost per pound???? With the cost of food outpacing the price of gasoline, we decided to invite Organic and Natural Foods Specialty Broker Laterri Hughes to our podcast to break it all down. Vegan and meat eaters alike, pod'up because TBGWGC is talking about the Cost of Food... let's go - chomp chomp!!!

LaTerri Hughes currently works as an Organic &  Natural Foods Specialty Broker in Southern California, Arizona and Hawaii - representing over 70 natural and organic brands. She has over a decade of experience in the  wellness industry and is an advocate for GMO labeling and full disclosure practices in the consumer market.

Thank you Laterri, come back again anytime!



Episode 11: Bank Robbery!

Season Two – We Are Back!!!!! That’s right TBGWGC is kicking off Season Two talking about Banking. So stop right there put your hands up and get on the floor because you may be getting robbed!!! The big three (Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America) have been helping themselves to more of your loot than they deserve for way too long. This week we are looking at banking in the modern era by comparing traditional banks, online banking, credit unions and even cultural savings clubs. You've got options so pod up, you can’t keep that money in your mattress forever!

Episode 10: For the Love of Money

With season two right around the corner we wanted to give you a little taste of what's to come... like a preseason warm-up!!! This week on Two Black Guys with Good Credit we are all about your connection to the all mighty dollar (racks, stacks, get the gist!). Would you say you have a healthy relationship with money? Have you thought about a financial therapist, a personal vision board or maybe you just need some good old fashion budgetary discipline to get you in sync. Hang on to your wallets, pod-up and let’s go because you can’t pay your bills with hugs and kisses!

Episode 9: Get a Life!

Get a Life!  That's right, we said it, "Get a Life...Insurance Policy".  If you keel over right now, are your loved ones protected?  Have you even taken a good hard look at life insurance to see what your options are?  Term, Whole Life --"insurance is a huge generational wealth building tool",they say, "insurance is a scam", they say, "we all need it", they say. Yo, they say a lot so, we're getting to the bottom of it on this week's episode.  Lock in and pod up because it may be time for you to "Get a Life!" on Two Black Guys with Good Credit!!

Episode 7: Who's Got Next

This week on TWO BLACK GUYS WITH GOOD CREDIT, we are talking Real Estate with Brooklyn's Independent Real Estate Straight Talker,  Alex Bilu. Real Estate is a worthy rough and tumble pursuit and we chop it up on why you should think about buying on the cusp.  Tune in to snag some great tips and tricks on how to get into the real estate game focusing not on what's hot now, but what's going to be hot next in your neck of the woods...Let's get it! 

Episode 6: The Stock Market Double Dutch --Building up the Courage to Jump in when you See your Opportunity

Today's episode we dig into the stock market because one thing is for're not alone if you've been wondering whether to jump in or not.  We talk about the roller coaster ride the stock market can take you on.  We help you figure out what your level of risk tolerance is and if the stock market is something for you.  And, we also discuss lots of the myths, misconceptions, and the real winners and losers.  Sit back, tune in, and get ready to get stocked up!

Episode 5: Trumponomics

Fe Fi Fo Fum is Donald Trump really making a presidential run?  We may all be getting fired because The Donald is moving on up from The Apprentice to the White House.  Tune in to Two Black Guys with Good Credit as Shaun and Arlington dive into a robust roundtable titled... 'Trumponomics' -- the financial pros and cons of the Trumpster becoming the nations 45th!!!

Episode 4: Retirement at 65, Fact or Fiction?

In this week's episode, we are going to explore Retirement at 65, is it fact or fiction?  What will it look like for you in 20, 30, 40 years?  Do you have a plan or are you hoping social security has got your back?  Get your pen and paper ready to take notes because, we are giving you the real deal on planning for retirement and a few outside-the-box suggestions that will make you say say, "These TWO BLACK GUYS are on to something!" 

Episode 1: Credit - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

This episode we will be getting into credit deeper than the IRS.  We will discuss the ins and outs of credit; how to leverage your credit, the cost of bad credit and how to reap the rewards of good credit. YOUR money is YOUR money and this episode will teach you how to keep your money where it belongs - "In your pocket"!